Relentless Youth Ministries serves students 6th – 12th grades. Key verse is Romans 12:11: “NEVER be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.”


Wednesday Evening – 6:30 PM – 8 PM
Sunday Morning – 9:30 AM – 10:15 AM

 2017 Baptism


Jesus’ Model of Ministry: Four Phases

1. Build (Discipleship)

In Matthew Chapters five through seven Jesus calls the discples, teaches them, and values them. Discipleship = Taking on the Character and Priorities of Christ.

2. Equipping

Jesus sends disciples out, allows them to try out their spiritual gifts, ministry, calling, etc. This phases gives the students an opportunity to see what their gifts are and to perform them in a controlled, safe environment.

3. Win (Evangelism)

The Kingdom of God is being established, people are putting their faith in Christ. This also the phase where you put all of your trust in God and God alone.

4. Mulitply

Jesus gives the Great Commision, the church is launched.
Relentless Youth models these phases by doing exactly what Jesus did with His disciples.

  •   Jesus did it, disciples watched
  •   Jesus did it, disciples helped
  •   Disciples did it, Jesus watched and gave feedback
  •   Disciples did it.


Pastor Cody Van Sickle

I have the privilege of “working” (although it doesn’t feel like work) on the First Open Bible team as the Student Ministries Pastor. How did I end up at First Open Bible? Simply by the Lord’s grace and kindness.

I grew up in Machesney Park, IL living the Midwestern life and went to college at the North Central University. Before graduating, I was chasing things of this world in hopes of fulfilling my pursuit of happiness. Success, relationships, career, sports – I got all of the things I thought would satisfy me and it never felt like it was enough. God used that season of my life to show me the empire I was trying to build for myself was like a mere sandcastle, and Jesus is the rock I can confidently put my hope in.

One day, as I was in Praise Gathering at North Central University I was hit with the thought of what my life was about, my grandfather had just passed away. I realized following Christ wasn’t something you do only on Sundays and Wednesdays, but it should inform every decision you make. I movedto Des Moines to work at Wildwood Hills Ranch and during that summer God really downloaded into my heart. When I was there someone I worked with mentioned that First Open Bible was looking for a youth Pastor, so hesitantly I applied, was accepted, and moved to Cedar Rapids a few months later! I now get to serve on staff and use my Psychology background and heart for teenagers to reach people through Relentless Youth.

I love my family and friends, and out of everything in Illinois, I miss them the most. I have six sisters that I love dearly. If I’m not at First Open Bible, you can find me playing outside – at Aspen Fitness, finding a trail to hike, or chilling in a hammock listening to podcasts, music, or reading a good book. I love drawing and cars, but am looking to expand my list of hobbies as well.


*Note: All leadership are Spiritual Coaches as well.

  • Matt Peiffer Male Student Director / Prayer & Deliverance
  • Hunter Holland Multimedia Technician / Prayer & Deliverance
  • Denise Koch Female Student Director / Prayer and Deliverance
  • Katie Mains Hospitality Coordinator
  • Robin O’Malley Hospitality Coordinator / Snack Shack Director
  • Kraig O’Malley Hospitality and Activity Coordinator
  • Adam Broxey Intern / Small Groups Director