Prayer unleashes the miraculous and fans the flame of faith. On Saturday evenings our prayer team focusses on praying for Israel, the nations, our community, our church, the needs of our Body, and for the presence and move of God in our midst.

Saturday Prayer Coordinator:

Jim Gatewood

Ring of Fire Prayer Meeting:

…begins at 6:30 PM on Saturday evening with 45 minutes given to personal prayer at the altars or walking the sanctuary. Around 7:15 PM the group comes together for reflection and then gathers in a circle to close in prayer for personal and corporate need. Following prayer time, a number of the team meets for coffee and fellowship. Anyone is invited to attend. Stay for the entire hour or part of the hour. The atmosphere is informal.

12 Hours of Payer:

Once per month on a Saturday we schedule 12 hours of prayer throughout the day where people sign up for a time slot and come to the church to pray. The event concludes with the reglular Ring of Fire Prayer Meeting at 6:30 PM.

Prayer Chain:

The Church office also maintains an email and phone contact list to engage members in praying for special needs that arise throughout the week. You can contact the office with needs or fill out the online prayer request form to be added to the list for prayer. If you are a regular attender of First Church and would like to join our prayer chain you may click here to fill out an online application.